Learn About Quality Schools Coalition

Quality Schools Coalition believes that all children in Missouri should have access to a high quality public education.  Unfortunately, our statewide policies and regulations do not create the conditions to achieve this outcome.  Great teachers are the backbone of every great school, but educators are often saddled with superfluous paperwork that takes time away from student learning, and teachers in Missouri are among the lowest paid in the nation. Year-to-year student growth is the truest measure of school quality, but this metric is vastly undervalued in Missouri and therefore the state's school rating system is skewed. To choose the best school for their children, parents must have a variety of high-quality options available to them and access to clear information about school performance. But in Missouri, school choice is limited and parents struggle to find clear information about school quality. 

Our students and teachers work hard everyday to succeed.  The state of Missouri must honor them by creating a policy environment in which all public schools can flourish, providing students and teachers with fair and adequate resources, and ensuring that parents can choose the school that is best suited for their children.    

Quality Schools Coalition works with parents, educators, lawmakers and other community members to identify problems in our public education ecosystem, design solutions, and advocate for positive changes. We hope you will join us!

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Our Mission

The mission of Quality Schools Coalition is to improve education in Missouri by advocating for a policy environment in which public schools flourish.

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Our Vision

Every student in Missouri has access to a high-quality public education.

Our Work Is Informed By Our Core Values

Educational Equity

Create the conditions for equitable access to a high-quality public education for all students.

Valuing Educators

Honor and respect teachers by investing in them through professional development, retention strategies, and fair compensation.

Real World Learning

Provide students with an education that enables them to pursue different paths to success.

School Autonomy

Give administrators and teachers the freedom to innovate and be responsive to local needs and dynamics.


Measure outcomes in meaningful ways and ensure that data are used to continuously improve school quality.

School Choice

Provide parents the opportunity to choose the best school for their children from a variety of high-quality options.

Stay Informed

QSC greatly appreciates your interest in our work. Join our mailing list to stay informed on education policy developments in Missouri!

Media Inquiries: click here to contact Roosevelt Lyons.