Academic outcomes for K-12 students in Missouri are below national averages.

Missouri high school graduates need better preparation for college and careers.

Missouri’s schools see persistent achievement gaps based on race and income.
Thank You and Farewell from Quality Schools Coalition
When Quality Schools Coalition launched in December 2020, our goal was clear: ensure that every child in Missouri has access to a high-quality public education. Our work has had many positive impacts: improved public school funding, increased teacher pay, expanded preschool programming, and more public school choice.
Thanks to you, and the unwavering commitment of many other parent advocates, partner organizations, state legislators and grassroots champions of education reform, Missouri's education policy framework is greatly improved. QSC is honored to have worked alongside each one of you in these endeavors. Your dedication to Missouri's children and families has inspired us every step of the way.
Although QSC has drawn to a close, the work of strengthening educational opportunities and outcomes for all children in Missouri must continue. While significant progress has been made, many children in Missouri still lack access to a high-quality education and despite recent investments, Missouri's financial commitment to public education remains below the national average. We are heartened to know that you and many other education champions are carrying this work forward.
We are pleased to share our 2021-2024 Final Impact Report that captures the challenges and the progress we have witnessed together these past four years.
Thank you again for your support of QSC, your dedication to Missouri's children, and your belief that great things happen when we work together. It has been an extraordinary privilege to serve alongside you, and I look forward to the ongoing progress.

Our Challenge
Missouri’s policy framework for K-12 education does not create the necessary conditions for our public schools to flourish. As a result, many children in Missouri lack access to a high-quality public education.